Rotation proxy account Run in Apifox
There is a default limit on the number of accounts that can be created, which can be obtained from the 'get user info' API. The 'account_limit' field in the returned userinfo indicates the limit on the number of accounts.
Default: Bearer {{AUTH_TOKEN}}
Body Params application/json
traffic limit, 0 for no limit
"traffic_limit_mb" : 100 ,
"password" : "password123" ,
"account_name" : "myaccount" ,
"tag" : "for test"
Request samples curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"traffic_limit_mb": 100,
"password": "password123",
"account_name": "myaccount",
"tag": "for test"
Responses application/json Generate Code
success or other error msg
1 for success, negative for error
"account" : {
"account_name" : "string" ,
"created_unixtime" : 0 ,
"id" : 0 ,
"password" : "string" ,
"tag" : "string" ,
"traffic_limit" : 0 ,
"traffic_used" : 0 ,
"user_id" : 0
} ,
"meta_message" : "string" ,
"meta_status" : 0
Modified at 2023-06-21 07:22:38